Ford Fulkerson interactive

By Roman Koifman
    Maximum Capacity:
➢ Instructions
• To create a Vertex, click anywhere whithin the left canvas.
• To create an Edge, click on a vertex and drag to another certex not releasing the mouse.
• Clicking on a Vertex will open vertex menu.
Source color is teal, Sink color is grey.
• Clicking on an Edge will open edge menu.
• To Zoom in/out scroll with mouse wheel within the canvas.
Random Graph button will generate a random graph.
Clear all button will delete everything.
Clear algorithm button will reset algorithm.
Maximum Capapcity button box will set graph's edges maximum capacity.
Algorithm select box will set Edmonds-Karp or Capacity-Scaling algorithm.
Play Algorithm will animate the algorithm.
• The Speed selector will set the binking speed. (Will update for each augmenting path).
Save current graph will save the current graph.
Restore saved graph will restore the last saved graph.

Algorithm:     Speed:      

    Maximum Flow:     Augmented by:     Augmenting Paths:

Flow Network:
Residual Network: